Re-thinking consumption in our age of consumerism

Today I choose to discuss Tupperware particularly disposable plastic food containers. Most people buy boxes of plastic Tupperware containers to store their food. They come in handy for traveling to/from work/school. They are also useful for storing leftovers. They are light and disposable.  They are very convenient for many things.

One problem that most people do not realize is that when you heat the containers, it releases chemicals in which are toxic and is therefore indigested. It is very important to be sure to that the containers purchased are microwave safe and not microwaved for longer than needed.

There are other sustainability and safer options for storing food. They are both good for you and the environment. The other options are also reusable and some recyclable. Silicone is becoming very popular. They make silicone cookware that can be used in high temperatures like cooking, baking, and even safe for us in the microwave. Glass is also a very good option as it is durable, can be easy to clean, and recyclable. People are not very likely to throw them away.

I feel that if people used less plastic it would be a great benefit to the earth. Glass is easier to recycle than plastic. Stainless steel too is another option. I feel the maintenance for both is much easier than the plastic containers. You lose the convenience, but it is better for the environment. I know that I want to try better and not use disposable plastic containers as much.

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